Cancer Rates Rising in Gen X and Millenials Compared to Older Generations, Study Finds

Cancer Rates Rising in Gen X and Millenials Compared to Older Generations, Study Finds

Researchers have published a new study that takes a comprehensive look at the United States’ cancer rates. They aimed to measure and compare incidence rates of cancer diagnosis and mortality in different generations over time. The study concluded that the incidence rates of Gen X and Millennials were 2 to 3 times higher than those born in 1955. They are also more likely to develop 17 types of cancer. The researchers noted that the major contributing factors for this increase included environmental toxins, diet, and obesity. [1] However, more research is required to uncover the other factors involved in the rise in cancer rates.

The Rise of Cancer Rates in Gen X and Millennials

Young Patient Lying in Bed
Credit: Pexels

The same researchers conducted a similar study in 2019, finding an increase in eight cancer types in more recent generations. However, until now, no study has taken both cancer incidence and mortality by birth year into account. The purpose of this new study was to bridge the huge gap in applicable data. [2] The researchers explained that exposure to carcinogenic factors early in life affected the incidence of cancer in those aged 50 or younger. [3] More people will develop cancer in the future as these young groups carry their increased risk into their senior years.


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